Be sure to read the file before running the application. Important note is given on a file within the project folder. Import the database file from the ‘Database’ folder.It is based on the Java programming language. Java Server pages is a simple yet powerful technology for creating and maintaining dynamic-content web pages. It is issued for the purpose of data definition and data. It is tied closely with the relational model. The Project On Hospital Management System in Java was created using the Java. SQL is the language used to manipulate relational databases. Patient functions such as Make OPD invoice, Admit to Hospital and more This Online Restaurant Management System Project in PHP with Source Code is.Designed by using HTML / CSS / JS / JQUERY/ PHP (procedural php) / MYSQL and developed by Jayendra Matarage. Languages and Framworks HTML CSS JS PHP (procedural php) MYSQL JQUERY BOOTSTRAP Features overview of Hospital Management System: Hospital Management System(Health Care Hospital) is designed for managing details about hospital patient,employee and rooms(10).